Steven Hill Rank
About Steven Hill
Steven Hill, the talented actor who appeared in the groundbreaking 1990s drama series "Law & Order" and the legendary 1960s television series "Mission: Impossible," began his acting career on the New York stage and went on to amass a long list of film and television credits spanning more than five decades.
Steven was not just one of the greatest performers of his time, but also one of the world's most brilliant individuals. Among his numerous successful and highly lauded films and television series are "On Valentine's Day", "Billy Bathgate", "Rich and Famous", "The Slender Thread", "Adventures in Paradise", "Between Two Women", and "A Child Is Waiting".
Hillel Krakovsky and Lena Krakovsky were the actor's parents. He was brought up together with two siblings, Joan Weiss and Charles Hill.
He married Selma Stern in 1951, and the couple had four children before divorcing in 1964. Hill had five children with his second wife, Rachel Schenker, whom he married in 1967. He had children namely Sarah Gobioff, Joshua Hill, Hanna Hendler, Matthew Hill, and Betsy Hill.
Alma mater
- Garfield High School
- University of Washington
- Primetime Emmy Awards - "Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series" - nominee (1998 and 1999)
- Screen Actors Guild Awards - "Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series" - nominee (2001)
He was of Jewish and Russian descent.
During WWII, he was a member of the US Navy.
He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu sorority.
He began his acting career at age twenty-four.
He used to work in theatre before becoming a prominent actor.
He was a liberal Democrat all his life.
He died from a complication of cancer.
Steven Hill Rank
F.A.Q. about Steven Hill
When is his birthday?
Steven Hill's birthday is on February 24, 1922.
In how many days is his birthday?
Steven's birthday is in 33 days
How old was Steven when he died?
He was 94 years old.
When did he die?
He died in August 23, 2016.
How old would he be today?
Steven Hill would be 102 years old if he was alive today.
Where was Steven from?
He was born in Seattle, Washington, U.S..
What was Steven Hill's height?
He was 5′ 12″ (1.82m) tall.