Sada Thompson Rank
About Sada Thompson
Sada Thompson starred in a number of stage productions before making her television debut in 1956. The American actress would be remembered for her Kate Lawrence role in the drama series “Family”. She starred in 86 episodes of the show.
She was also popular for her roles in other TV programs and films like “Andre's Mother” in she acted as Katharine Gerard, and as Miss Mandy in “Alex Haley's Queen”.
The actress spent the early years of her life with her parents Corlyss Gibson and Hugh Woodruff Thompson. She was married to Donald Stewart and together they had a child named Liza Stewart.
She attended Carnegie Mellon University (formerly Carnegie Institute of Technology) where she read Theatre. Before that, she studied at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School.
Thompson won a Primetime Emmy Award in 1978. She was also nominated for the Golden Globe on many occasions.
She played the role of Mary Todd Lincoln in the series “Lincoln”.
Sada Thompson Rank
F.A.Q. about Sada Thompson
When is her birthday?
Sada Thompson's birthday is on September 27, 1927.
In how many days is her birthday?
Sada Thompson's birthday is in 233 days
How old was Sada Thompson when she died?
She was 83 years old.
When did she die?
She died in May 4, 2011.
How old would she be today?
Sada Thompson would be 97 years old if she was alive today.
Where was Sada Thompson from?
She was born in Des Moines, Iowa, U.S..