Matt Hancock Rank
About Matt Hancock
Matt Hancock is a British politician whose political career dates back to 2010. Since then he has quickly risen through the ranks, becoming a distinguished member of British Parliament in 2010 and holding a number of ministry positions from 2013 to 2018, eventually becoming the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
Family Life
His parents are named Shirley Hills and Michael Hancock. And the lady he married in 2006 is known as Martha Hoyer Millar.
Positions he has held, some of them concurrently, include Member of Parliament (2010), Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise (2013-2014), Minister of State for Portsmouth (2014-2015), Minister of State for Energy (2014-2015), Minister of State for Business and Enterprise (2014-2015), Minister for the Cabinet Office Paymaster General (2015-2016), and Minister of State for Digital and Culture (2016-2018).
He was named Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in 2018.
In 1999 he joined the UK Conservative Party.
He tried to become leader of the Conservative Party in 2019 but ultimately withdrew his candidacy and supported Boris Johnson instead.
Matt Hancock Rank
F.A.Q. about Matt Hancock
When is his birthday?
Matt Hancock's birthday is on October 2, 1978.
In how many days is his birthday?
Matt's birthday is in 252 days
How old is he?
He is 46 years old.
Where is Matt from?
He was born in Chester, England, UK.