Leo Burnett Rank
About Leo Burnett
vLeo Burnett’s journey to success began in 1917 as an editor for Cadillac Motor Car Company’s in-house publication. He was later made the advertising director of the organization. He went on to work with other companies before establishing the Leo Burnett Company, Inc. in 1935.
Regarded as one of the most prominent advertisers during the 20th Century, Burnett was famous for developing a number of advertising characters such as “Maytag Repairman” and “Tony the Tiger”. Throughout his career, he worked for many well-known companies like Coca-Cola and McDonald's.
He was raised by his parents Rose Clark and Noble Burnett. He became the husband of Naomi Geddes in 1918 and together they had three kids which included birder Phoebe Snetsinger.
Burnett attended the University of Michigan to read journalism.
The renowned advertiser suffered from a severe heart attack which caused his death in 1971.
He published a booklet in 1947 entitled “The Good Citizen”.
He was a member of the US Navy during World War I.
Leo Burnett Rank
F.A.Q. about Leo Burnett
When is his birthday?
Leo Burnett's birthday is on October 21, 1891.
In how many days is his birthday?
Leo's birthday is in 271 days
How old was Leo when he died?
He was 79 years old.
When did he die?
He died in June 7, 1971.
How old would he be today?
Leo Burnett would be 133 years old if he was alive today.
Where was Leo from?
He was born in St. Johns, Michigan U.S..