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About Karl Rahner
Karl Rahner was a 20th century theologian who was regarded as one of the most prominent individuals in the Roman Catholic Church during that period. Widely known for his “Anonymous Christian” theory, Rahner argued that Christ might save people who were unaware of the Christian Gospel.
In order to explain his philosophies to the general public, the German theologian published many books with some entitled “Homanisation” and “Spirit in the World”.
He was the fourth child of Luise Trescher and Karl Rahner, and the younger brother of Jesuit scholar Hugo Rahner.
He studied at the University of Innsbruck, and the University of Freiburg.
He played a part in the development of the “Nouvelle théologie” school of thought.
Rahner worked with other prominent scholars like Yves Congar and Henri de Lubac.
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F.A.Q. about Karl Rahner
When is his birthday?
Karl Rahner's birthday is on March 5, 1904.
In how many days is his birthday?
Karl's birthday is in 49 days
How old was Karl when he died?
He was 80 years old.
When did he die?
He died in March 30, 1984.
How old would he be today?
Karl Rahner would be 120 years old if he was alive today.
Where was Karl from?
He was born in Freiburg im Breisgau.