Ghanim al Muftah Rank
About Ghanim al Muftah
This talented Qatari is an inspiration to millions. Although born without the lower part of his body, Ghanim al Muftah is larger than life as a motivational speaker and a young entrepreneur.
Born with his twin brother Ahmad, Ghanim was born with a condition known as Caudal Regression Syndrome (CDS). This condition is so rare that only a few children in the world suffer from it. Though stunted in growth, he did not allow it to stunt his life.
Ghanim has climbed one of the tallest mountains in the Middle East and became Qatar’s youngest entrepreneur at the age of fifteen. With an online following of over 5 million followers, he was named the 2022 FIFA ambassador for Qatar.
Ghanim al Muftah Rank
F.A.Q. about Ghanim al Muftah
When is his birthday?
Ghanim al Muftah's birthday is on May 5, 2002.
In how many days is his birthday?
Ghanim's birthday is in 102 days
How old is he?
He is 22 years old.
Where is Ghanim from?
He was born in Qatar.