Álvaro Obregón Rank
About Álvaro Obregón
Alvaro Obregón was a Mexican politician, military leader, and revolutionary. He assumed the office of presidency from 1920 to 1924, and he is credited with putting an end to the brutality that characterized the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920). In keeping with the principles that inspired the revolution, he is also praised for his favourable administration of the peasants and workers.
Military Career
He made a name for himself in the constitutionalist movement's fight against Victoriano Huerta's autocratic rule as a military officer. After being toppled, Obregón won crucial battles against Pancho Villa, who had rejected many policies of the new government. He lost his arm in one of these skirmishes when a bomb went off close to him.
Political Career
He helped design the Constitution in 1917, and when the more conservative groups pushed him to roll back some social progress, he chose to run for president. Heemerged victorious at the 1920 Mexican presidential elections.
Obregón was sworn into office in December 1920 as the 46th President of Mexico. The newly elected president quickly set about to implement a significant agrarian reform as well as other labour reforms. The educational policy was also drastically altered by him. After his first term ended in 1924, he was succeeded by Plutarco Elias Calles.
In 1927, Obregón returned to active politics and won the 1928 presidential election. However, just before the president-elect could take the oath of office, he was assassinated by a Cristero militant.
Álvaro Obregón Rank
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F.A.Q. about Álvaro Obregón
When is his birthday?
Álvaro Obregón's birthday is on February 19, 1880.
In how many days is his birthday?
Álvaro's birthday is in 342 days
How old was Álvaro when he died?
He was 48 years old.
When did he die?
He died in July 17, 1928.
How old would he be today?
Álvaro Obregón would be 145 years old if he was alive today.
Where was Álvaro from?
He was born in Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico.